Our approach to your care
​We have a patient centred approach to our package of care. Initially we will endeavour to help relieve your symptoms and improve your mobility as quickly as we can. Treatment will normally consist of a combination of chiropractic manipulation, massage, stretching and if necessary any other appropriate techniques such as ultrasound. Once you are feeling easier, the emphasis shifts onto what we can get you doing to help yourself - through stretching and strengthening exercises, postural and ergonomic advice. The aim is to resolve your symptoms and, between us, try and prevent any recurrence. However, we are always here for any supportive or maintenance treatment that you may require.
Awarded the patient partnership quality mark
We have been awarded the ‘Patient Partnership Quality Mark’ (PPQM) by The Royal College of Chiropractors. This recognises excellence in meeting patient expectations in a range of areas including safety, accessibility and communication.
We provide a patient-centred service, and are proud to say that this award recognises our ongoing commitment to meeting patients’ expectations in terms of their treatment environment and care.
In a recent survey carried out by us:
98% of respondents described their treatment outcome as good or excellent.
96% said they would 'often' recommend the clinic to friends and family.